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Re-Test Assignment

Sadly, many of you did not do well on the last test. In class, we discussed that you would have a chance to redo the test. The math department head said that this was a good idea, but also thought that there is no point in doing a re-test unless students actually study for it. As a result, in order to qualify to do the re-test you must complete the assignment in the link below. If you do not do the re-test assignment, you will not be permitted to do the re-test and will get the mark on your original test.

The re-test is on Wednesday Feb. 10 (for Day 2 Period 1) and Thursday Feb. 11 (for Day 1 Periods 1 and 4). If you do not hand in the totally completed re-test assignment, you will not be permitted to write the re-test.

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